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Cee Bee was honored by the Defense Supply Center Richmond (Virginia) as one of the U.S. Government's best suppliers at an Automated Best Value System award ceremony held in June, 2007. Firms that qualify as Automated Best Value System medalists have met stringent quality and delivery requirements established by the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency




McGean has been a successful developer, producer and supplier of formulated products for a variety of industries for over 80 years. Their Cee-Bee range for the aviation industry consists of a large number of top quality cleaning products.

MerchINTs Cleaning & Services (MC&S) introduced the same product range in the maritime industry with their GreenBioClean line.

Both companies have now taken up the challenge of convincing the maritime industry of the superior quality of these cleaning products and realizing their large-scale introduction in this market.

To meet this challenge of gaining the trust of and building a lasting name in the maritime industry McGean and MC&S have joined forces in a partnership.
The name of the product line for the maritime industry they promote is:

The introduction of Cee-Bee Maritime Products starts with tackling a major problem in the industry with the innovative Smart Concept for vacuum toilet system cleaning maintenance.
The Smart Concept was first introduced at the 2011 Cruise Shipping Miami show.

With the introduction of Cee-Bee Maritime Products the use of the range name GreenBioClean in the maritime industry is being phased out. The numerous approvals for the Cee-Bee cleaning products McGean obtained in the aviation industry undoubtedly count for an extraordinary quality that will take cleaning in the maritime industry to a new level.

MerchINTs Cleaning & Services BV, PO Box 96, 8100 AB Raalte, The Netherlands, Tel +31 (0)572 364 396, info@merchints.nl